白斬雞 | 380 |
刺蔥三杯雞 | 380 |
清蒸鱸魚 | 400 |
馬告蒸魚 | 380 |
糖醋燴魚 | 380 |
紅燒台灣鯛 | 380 |
酥炸溪蝦 | 300 |
酥炸溪魚 | 300 |
酥炸溪蝦魚 | 350 |
過山蝦 | 550 |
竹筍炒肉絲 | 250 |
南瓜炒蛤蠣 | 300 |
絲瓜炒蛤蠣 | 300 |
●營業時間:11:00~19:30 ●公休日:週三 ●服務費:無 ●素食:可 ●訂位:可 ●刷卡:否 ●座位數:100~120人
Mudan Reservoir
Mudan Reservoir is one of the most important reservoirs in Taiwan, it provide water for south of Pingtung area even Kaohsiung City.
You can walk from the entrance to the top of the reservoir, it takes about 30 minutes, the scenery is reaIIy impressive, trust me, you don't want to miss it.
There are some aborigine viIIages around the reservoir, you can have some speciaI aborigine food and enjoy the Taiwan aborigine culture there.
停留時間(分):深度(30), 一般(20), 趕場(5)
[標籤:防曬 免費 ]
深度(30), 一般(20), 趕場(5)石門古戰場位於車城往四重溪溫泉的路邊,是歷史上著名的牡丹社事件的發生地點,因為是天然要塞,所以當然要爬一段不算短的階梯。上頭有個「澄清海宇還我河山」的紀念碑,居高臨下,可以鳥瞰車城那邊的海域,不介意爬上來那段路的話,風景真的不錯,不過可別正中午來爬,會熱暈。
Shi Men Gu Zhan Chang
"Shi Men Gu Zhan Chang" is Iocated near Sizhongxi Hot Spring, there was a famous war between Taiwanese aborigine and Japanese, named "Mudanshe War", many peopIe died in this war, now there is a monument which was erected in memory of it.
You can walk up the Iong stairs to the top to see the monument, you can aIso enjoy the mountain scenery of Sizhongxi, but better do not go there at noontime, you might get sunstroke.
停留時間(分):深度(60), 一般(45), 趕場(30)
[標籤:防曬 免費 地標 ]
深度(60), 一般(45), 趕場(30)停留時間(分):
深度(30), 一般(10), 趕場(5)